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Blog > Flipping Your Way to Gold: A Guide to WoW Classic SoD's Auction House

Flipping Your Way to Gold: A Guide to WoW Classic SoD's Auction House

Jan 20, 2024, 11:38:19 PST | Categories : WOW Classic SoD |

The allure of easy gold in World of Warcraft Classic is ever-present, but with Season of Discovery bringing changes and adjustments, the tried-and-true methods might not cut it anymore. But fear not, adventurous souls, for the art of flipping remains a potent source of wealth, and this guide aims to illuminate the path to success.

The Flipping Mastermind:

Our guide comes from a savvy adventurer who, starting with a mere 10 WoW Classic SoD Gold, flipped their way to over 1,000 gold within a week. Their secret? Methodical flipping and the powerful tools of TSM.

The Core Principles:

· Invest time, not money: Flipping demands dedication, not hefty initial investments. Spending 30 minutes daily scanning the Auction House (AH) can yield significant returns.

· TSM is your friend: This addon automates crucial tasks like price calculations and posting, making flipping efficient and beginner-friendly.

· Market research is key: Identify underpriced items and profitable margins. The guide mentions groups specifically tailored for SoD phases, making targeted searches a breeze.

· Embrace patience: Reposting unsold items is natural. Don't be discouraged; persistence is key to success.

The Tools of the Trade:

· Classic Flipping Guide: This guide provides valuable tips, TSM groups, and access to a supportive Discord community.

· TSM Groups and Operations: Pre-configured for SoD phases, these groups simplify item selection and ensure profitable pricing.

· Market Value Scan: Identify underpriced gems using the percent market value displayed in TSM searches.

Flipping Strategies:

· BoE (Bind on Equip) Treasures: Find underpriced weapons, armor, and gear, focusing on high-demand items or those below 80% market value.

· Material Resets: Buy bulk materials at low prices and set the market value higher for a quick profit. Aim for 50% of market value for most materials.

· Recipe Riches: Similar to BoEs, prioritize recipes with low market value, especially those relevant to the current phase.

Putting it into Practice:

· Scan the AH regularly, prioritizing the "lowest to highest" market value order to find deals.

· Use TSM to calculate profitable prices and automatically post items.

· Don't overstock: Stick to manageable quantities, prioritizing variety over mass buying.

· Track your progress and adjust strategies based on market trends.

Beyond the Basics:

The guide mentions specific items like Darkwave Breaches and Dark Iron Ornaments as successful flips in Phase 1. However, the principles remain constant: diligent market research, targeted buying, and utilizing TSM effectively.

The Final Call:

Flipping in WoW Classic SoD might not be an instant gold mine, but with dedication, the right tools, and this guide's advice, you can steadily accumulate wealth and experience the thrill of turning coppers into gold. So, arm yourself with knowledge, unleash your inner auctioneer, and embark on your profitable flipping journey!


· Update your strategies for Phase 2 (coming soon!) and beyond.

· Stay active in the Discord community for support and shared flipping wisdom.

· Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process of outsmarting the market!

By following this guide and applying its principles, you can be well on your way to flipping your way to a prosperous future in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Remember, persistence is key, and with the right skills and tools, you can turn even the smallest investment into a golden fortune.

For more guidance on WoW Classic Season of Discovery and buying WoW SoD Gold services, check out P2Pah.

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