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Blog > WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Class Changes, Buffs, and Challenges

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Class Changes, Buffs, and Challenges

Dec 13, 2023, 10:21:58 PST | Categories : WOW Classic SoD |

The World of Warcraft Classic community is buzzing with excitement as the Season of Discovery unfolds, bringing forth a wave of changes, buffs, and challenges. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve into the recent class adjustments, explore the improvements to underperforming specializations, and address some concerns within the Season of Discovery.



Shadow Priest: Rising from the Shadows


The Shadow Priest often considered the underdog, is now receiving substantial buffs to enhance its performance. The three Rune abilitiesHuli, Void Plague, and Twisted Faithare all seeing significant increases in damage. With these changes, the Shadow Priest is poised to become a formidable force in both PvP and PvE. The class's true potential is expected to shine in later phases, making it a powerhouse to be reckoned with.


Balance Druid: Star Surge Illuminated


Addressing concerns about the perceived inefficacy of the Star Surge ability, developers have breathed new life into this Druid specialization. The damage of Star Surge has been increased by a substantial 182%, while the cooldown has been reduced from 10 to 6 seconds, making it a more potent and accessible tool for Balance Druids. These changes aim to elevate the class's damage output, providing a more satisfying experience for players in both PvE and PvP scenarios.


Hunter: Adjusting the Beast Mastery Dominance


The Scorpion Beast Mastery build has been a dominating force among Hunters, with pets contributing over 50% of their total damage. In response, the developers have implemented changes to bring balance to the Hunter class. Flanking Strike now gains benefits from weapon enhancements like sharpening stones, making it a more formidable option. Additionally, adjustments to pet attack values and the Scorpion's poison mechanics aim to normalize Hunter pet scaling, ensuring a more balanced gameplay experience.


Rogue: Fine-Tuning the Stealthy Strikes


Rogues have seen minimal changes, primarily focusing on bug fixes related to the Saber Slash ability. Notably, Saber Slash damage is now considered a bleed and benefits from the Mangle debuff. While these changes might not be as extensive as those for other classes, they contribute to the overall fine-tuning of Rogue mechanics.


Shaman: Empowering Elemental and Enhancement


Season of Discovery has brought about significant changes for Elemental and Enhancement Shamans, who have felt somewhat neglected compared to their counterparts. Enhancement Shaman's Lava Lash ability sees a boost in damage and a reduction in Mana cost, along with a specialization buff for increased hit chance. Elemental Shamans receive an increase in the overload percentage, enhancing the effectiveness of their casted abilities. These changes aim to elevate the performance of Shamans and position them as more viable options in raids and dungeons.


Black Fathom Deeps: Lowering Resistance and Buffing Casters


Black Fathom Deeps has been a physical damage-focused raid, but recent changes aim to balance the playing field for casters. Elemental resistances for various encounters have been lowered, enabling casters to deal more damage. Notably, the Fantasmal Priestesses' resistances have been reduced to zero, making it more feasible to send double casters into the dream world in phase one. These adjustments aim to diversify the damaged landscape within Black Fathom Deeps.


World Buff Adjustments: Empowering Spellcasters


To address the struggles of spellcasters in Black Fathom Deeps, the Boon of the Black Fathom world buff has been adjusted to provide 3% spell hit and 25 bonus spell power. This alteration aims to enhance spellcasters' performance within the raid, promoting a more balanced approach to encounters.


Challenges in the Season of Discovery:


While the Season of Discovery has brought numerous positive changes, it is not without its challenges. Hunter bots plaguing Azeroth, particularly in farming nodes and dungeons, pose a significant problem. The saturation of markets and the dominance of certain locations by bots disrupt the player experience, and addressing this issue remains a priority.


Additionally, the War Song Gulch battleground presents a challenge with pre-made groups obliterating casual players. The community calls for a more balanced matchmaking system, with suggestions ranging from separate brackets for pre-made and solo players to create a fairer playing field.

Final Words:

The Season of Discovery in WoW Classic is shaping up to be a dynamic and transformative period for players. Class adjustments, buffs, and challenges create an environment that encourages exploration, camaraderie, and strategic gameplay. As the community navigates these changes, the passion of the development team and the dedication of players promise a thrilling journey through Azeroth. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to WoW Classic, the Season of Discovery offers a wealth of content and experiences to savor.

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