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Blog > WoW Classic SoD Gold Making Guide: Tips and Strategies

WoW Classic SoD Gold Making Guide: Tips and Strategies

Dec 09, 2023, 10:42:28 PST | Categories : WOW Classic SoD |

World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery (SoD) introduces a unique gold-making meta with a level cap set at 25, accompanied by new raid content, PvP zones, and desirable profession items. This article explores five WoW SoD Gold-making tips to give players an edge in these activities, covering everything from bag acquisition to professional strategies.



1. Bags: Your Essential Investment


Bags are a crucial component for both gold-making and general convenience. Starting with vendor bags, the 12-slot Huge Brown Sack stands out, available from bag vendors in major cities. However, its 9 or 10 gold costs can be steep at level 25. Alternatives include 10-slot bags from tailoring or quests, such as the one in Wailing Caverns available to both Alliance and Horde.


Alliance players have additional bag quests in Darkshire and Menethil Harbor while fishing in higher-level zones like Moonglade can yield the rare 14-slot Journeyman's Backpack. The Darkmoon Faire also offers a 14-slot Darkmoon Storage Box for 50 Darkmoon Faire prize tickets.


2. Wailing Caverns Gold Making Method


Wailing Caverns proves to be a lucrative gold-making location, especially with a party. For Alliance players on a PvE server, it becomes a safe farming spot. The cave outside Wailing Caverns is rich in opportunities. Apart from the bag quest, leatherworkers can acquire the pattern for the Deviate Scale Belt, a valuable recipe for crafting or selling.


Limited-quality recipes from NPCs in the area add to the gold-making potential. This method is effective for leatherworkers and non-leatherworkers alike. Additionally, farming Deviate Scales for auction or personal use proves profitable, especially if competition is minimal.


3. Armor Crafting Materials Farming


Leatherworking materials, such as Deviate Scales and Slimy Murloc Scales, are in demand. Farming murlocs in Silverpine Forest and wetlands can yield these valuable materials. Red Whelps in Wetlands provides Red Whelp Scales for crafting red whelp gloves. For a more challenging endeavor, higher-level murlocs in Hillsbrad Foothills, Duskwallow Marsh, and Stranglethorn Vale drop thick murloc scales.


Tailors can farm cloth, particularly Silk Cloth, in contested zones like Ashenvale or Thousand Needles. Fishing also becomes a viable profession, offering valuable items like Mage Weave Cloth or even rare bags in higher-level zones.


4. Fishing for Profit


Fishing gains a new dimension in Season of Discovery, offering a safe gold-making method. Fishing in higher-level zones, even without combat, can yield valuable items such as Mage Weave Cloth from junk boxes. Deviate Fish, crucial for the Savory Deviate Delight recipe, remains a profitable catch.


Explore fishing in Moonglade or higher-level zones like Winter Spring for rare bags. Fishing, often overlooked, can provide a steady income without engaging in combat, making it an appealing option for players.


5. Pre-planning Professions for Endgame Items


Prepare for the new endgame items by pre-planning your professions. Crafting professions receive epic armor recipes, while enchanting, alchemy, and engineering introduce new consumables and items. Pay attention to the demand for materials required to craft these items, gaining a market advantage.




As the Season of Discovery unfolds in WoW Classic, players can capitalize on various gold-making strategies. From bag acquisition to profession-specific farming, these tips offer a comprehensive guide to help players thrive in the new meta. Stay informed about new recipes and materials, and adapt your strategy to maximize profits in this limited-level cap environment.

If you want to learn more about WoW Classic SoD news and guidance, check out the P2Pah blog! Buy WoW Classic SoD gold through our website, you will get more discounts.

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