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Blog > Path of Exile: Effortless Currency Farming Strategies

Path of Exile: Effortless Currency Farming Strategies

May 21, 2024, 10:42:23 PST | Categories : Path of Exile |

Path of Exile, the action-packed RPG by Grinding Gear Games, continues to captivate players with its deep mechanics, intricate builds, and ever-evolving gameplay. Among its many facets, currency farming stands out as a crucial aspect for players looking to amass wealth in the game. In this guide, we delve into one of the most efficient and intriguing PoE currency farming strategies: AFK Simulacrum farming.

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AFK Simulacrum Farming: A Lazy Path to Riches


Are you ready to rake in divines with minimal effort? Look no further than AFK Simulacrum farming. This strategy allows you to farm currency while barely lifting a finger, making it perfect for multitasking with your favorite TV shows or streams.


But how does it work? The key lies in your character build. There are four primary build archetypes suited for AFK Simulacrum farming:


1. High Investment Summoner Builds: Utilize powerful summoner minions to do the heavy lifting.

2. W Loop or Mana Loop Builds: Focus on sustaining mana while dealing damage passively.

3. Automation Supports: Leverage automation to trigger spells or attacks without manual input.

4. Ignite-based and Cast When Stunned Setups: Utilize ignite mechanics and trigger spells when stunned for continuous damage output.


For maximum efficiency, ensure your build offers good coverage and lingering damage. Experimentation is key; try different skills and setups until you find what works best for you.


Crafting While AFK: Maximizing Efficiency


Once you have a capable AFK farming build, why stop at just currency? With Simulacrum farming, you can open your inventory and delve into crafting while your character handles the onslaught of enemies.


Crafting options abound but focus on crafts that require basic currencies and can be repeatedly done with ease. Examples include crafting flasks, cluster jewels, and magic jewels. These crafts not only yield profitable results but also complement the passive nature of Simulacrum farming.


The Perfect Setup: A Case Study


To illustrate the effectiveness of AFK Simulacrum farming, let's examine a meticulously crafted build:


Build Highlights:


    • Unyielding Defenses: Utilize Divine Flesh and The Fourth Vow to mitigate physical and elemental damage.

    • Efficient Cool Down Reduction: Achieve optimal cast rate with careful gear and passive choices.

    • Robust Survivability: Combine armor stacking with key defensive mechanics to ensure near-invulnerability.

    • Strategic Gem and Item Choices: Fine-tune gem setups and gear selections to maximize damage and survivability.

    • Synergistic Passives and Jewels: Optimize passive tree allocation and jewel sockets to amplify key build mechanics.


Crafting Strategy:


    • Economical Crafting: Focus on crafts that yield high returns with minimal investment.

    • Inventory Management: Keep a well-stocked inventory of crafting materials to maintain crafting momentum.

    • Adaptability: Adjust crafting strategies based on market demand and personal preferences.


By meticulously crafting every aspect of the build and crafting strategy, players can achieve unparalleled success in AFK Simulacrum farming.




In the ever-expanding world of Path of Exile, mastering currency farming is essential for achieving in-game wealth and success. AFK Simulacrum farming offers a unique and efficient approach to currency generation, allowing players to multitask and maximize their time in-game.


By investing in the right build, refining crafting strategies, and embracing the passive nature of Simulacrum farming, players can unlock a wealth of divines and other valuable currencies or buy Path Of Exile Currency at p2pah store while enjoying their favorite entertainment on the side. So, gear up, delve into the Simulacrum, and watch your fortunes grow effortlessly in Path of Exile.

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