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Blog > Path of Exile 2: The Warrior and Huntress Ascendancy Classes

Path of Exile 2: The Warrior and Huntress Ascendancy Classes

Oct 04, 2023, 10:47:40 PST | Categories : Path of Exile 2 |

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at the Warrior and Huntress Ascendancy classes in Path of Exile 2. P2Pah will discuss their key features, strengths, and weaknesses, and how to play them effectively.


The Warrior is a close-combat class that excels at dealing high burst damage. They have a variety of skills that allow them to quickly close the distance to their enemies and unleash powerful attacks.

One of the key features of the Warrior is their ability to combine skills to create powerful combos. For example, they can use a skill like Armor Break to reduce an enemy's armor, and then follow up with a powerful slam attack to deal massive damage.

Warriors are also highly mobile, thanks to skills like Leap Slam and War Charge. This allows them to quickly reposition themselves on the battlefield and avoid enemy attacks.


    High burst damage

    Ability to combine skills to create powerful combos

    Highly mobile


    Can be squishy in high-level content

    Relies on skills with a cooldown

    Can be difficult to play effectively if you are not familiar with the game mechanics

How to play effectively

To play the Warrior effectively, you need to be able to manage your skills and cooldowns effectively. You also need to be aware of your surroundings and be able to position yourself correctly.

Here are a few tips for playing the Warrior effectively:

    • Use your skills in combination to create powerful combos. For example, you can use Armor Break to reduce an enemy's armor, and then follow up with a powerful slam attack to deal massive damage.

    • Use your mobility skills to avoid enemy attacks and reposition yourself on the battlefield.

    • Be aware of your surroundings and try to avoid getting surrounded by enemies.

    • Use your defensive skills wisely. For example, you can use Berserk to gain increased damage and attack speed, but this will also make you more vulnerable to damage.


The Huntress is a ranged class that excels at dealing with high single-target damage. They have a variety of skills that allow them to stay out of danger while dealing damage to their enemies.

One of the key features of the Huntress is their ability to use traps and mines. These traps and mines can be placed around the battlefield to damage enemies as they pass by.

Huntresses also have a variety of mobility skills that allow them to quickly dodge enemy attacks and reposition themselves on the battlefield.


    High single-target damage

    Ability to use traps and mines to control the battlefield

    Highly mobile


    Can be squishy in high-level content

    Relies on skills with a cooldown

    Can be difficult to play effectively if you are not familiar with the game mechanics

How to play effectively

To play the Huntress effectively, you need to be able to manage your skills and cooldowns effectively. You also need to be aware of your surroundings and be able to position yourself correctly.

Here are a few tips for playing the Huntress effectively:

    • Use your traps and mines to control the battlefield and damage enemies from a distance.

    • Use your mobility skills to dodge enemy attacks and reposition yourself on the battlefield.

    • Be aware of your surroundings and try to avoid getting surrounded by enemies.

    • Use your defensive skills wisely. For example, you can use Blink Arrow to quickly teleport away from danger, or you can use Smoke Mine to create a cloud of smoke that will obscure your vision.


The Warrior and Huntress are both powerful and versatile classes in Path of Exile 2. They have a variety of skills that allow them to deal high damage and avoid enemy attacks.

If you are looking for a class that can deal high burst damage and has a lot of mobility, then the Warrior is a good choice. If you are looking for a class that can deal high single-target damage and has a lot of control over the battlefield, then the Huntress is a good choice.

No matter which class you choose, you will need to be able to manage your skills and cooldowns effectively, and you will need to be aware of your surroundings in order to be successful.

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