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Blog > The Thresh Build in New World: A Guide to the Great Axe and Flail Combo

The Thresh Build in New World: A Guide to the Great Axe and Flail Combo

Feb 05, 2024, 09:55:35 PST | Categories : New World |

Welcome back, New World degenerates! Recently, I revisited the world of New World, taking a break from my League adventures. As I dusted off my old Jeepers Creeps Hookie Boy Thresh, I couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarities between my great axe and flail build and Thresh's kit. In this article, I'll walk you through the key elements of the Thresh build in New World, providing insights into the stats, skills, and strategies to unleash chaos on the battlefield.

The Thresh Build in New World

For those unfamiliar with Thresh, let's break down the similarities. The Thresh build revolves around key abilities that mimic Thresh's kit from League of Legends:

1. Reap - Our Hookie Boy: Similar to Thresh's hook ability, Reap allows us to reel in enemies, setting the stage for devastating combos.

2. Flail Trip Combo - Our Infamous Flail Trip: This combo can be compared to Thresh's Flay ability, creating a disruptive and damaging sequence.

3. Grab Well - Our Prison Box: This skill serves as our prison box, trapping foes in a confined space and setting them up for a world of hurt.

4. Charge - Our Lantern? While not an exact match, Charge can be seen as a tool to reposition allies strategically, akin to Thresh's Lantern ability.

Stats and Attributes

To maximize the effectiveness of the Thresh build, we need to focus on specific stats and attributes. Here's a breakdown:

lStrength: Max out strength for increased damage. A robust and powerful character is essential for the Thresh build.

lFocus: Aim for at least 65 in Focus, or go for 100 if you want more Mini Bonk flail damage. This decision hinges on whether you prefer higher damage or additional utility.

lConstitution: Depending on your playstyle, you can either sit around 165 Con with more damage or go all the way to 200 Con using the Banana Parfait for increased survivability during wars.

Skill Trees and Perks

In terms of skill trees, the classic flail tree is recommended, providing a solid foundation for most builds. For the Great Axe, consider dropping the last perk from Reap to enhance combo potential.

Artifact-wise, rock the two Void Dark Plate for increased armor, especially when playing with a medium kite shield. Pair it with Perent Leon for automated benefits.

Gear and Weapons

Now, let's delve into the murder tools of the Thresh build:

1. Great Axe: Prioritize the Re perk for your weapon, focusing on crits for maximum damage output. Consider additional perks like Vicious and From Glacial Tarn for a well-rounded build.

2. Flail: Opt for a powerful eruption flail weapon perk to make your combo effective. Plague Crits over Strike for more consistent damage, and include Attunement for added utility.

Armor and Perks

Ensure your armor setup includes Elemental Aversion, Shering Heels, and Arcane Harnessing. For weapon perks, go for Insatiable Grab Well and Burdening Smite, adapting based on personal preference.

Counterattack on your shield is crucial, synergizing with the Great Axe's Revenge perk for additional damage when blocking.

Combos and Strategies

Mastering the Thresh build involves executing powerful combos and strategic plays. Some notable combos include:

1. Classic Mini Bonk: Trip into an animation-canceled light attack into Arcane Eruption for a devastating combo.

2. Grab Well into Smite and Flail Combo: Trap enemies in Grab Well and follow up with a Smite and Flail combo to wreak havoc.

Stamina Management

Due to the reliance on blocking, stamina management is key for the Thresh build. Balance your defensive maneuvers with the need to activate Shering Heels every 7 seconds.


In conclusion, the Thresh build in New World combines the best of both worlds – the disruptive elements of Thresh's kit and the raw power of a great axe and flail combo. Experiment with different perks, gear, and strategies to find the perfect balance for your playstyle. See you on the battlefield, suckers!

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