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Blog > New World Armor Artifacts Tier List and Analysis

New World Armor Artifacts Tier List and Analysis

Jan 01, 2024, 10:54:36 PST | Categories : New World |

In the expansive world of New World, where players navigate a dangerous and mysterious land, the choice of armor and its associated effects can significantly impact gameplay. In a previous discussion, we explored the weapon artifacts in the game. Now, let's delve into the realm of armor artifacts and analyze their effectiveness. Keep in mind that this tier list is subjective and based on personal experiences and observations within the New World community.



Gry Wizard's Hat: A Weak Starting Point


The Gry Wizard's Hat kicks off the tier list with a less-than-impressive rating. Positioned on the right side, this artifact is deemed one of the weakest options. The additional Max Mana it offers doesn't provide substantial benefits, and the extra intelligence falls short of being valuable in most builds. At the moment, it struggles to find a place in any effective gameplay, making it a relatively easy choice to dismiss.


Featherweight: A Surprising Powerhouse


Initially underrated, Featherweight has risen in stature and is now considered one of the best artifacts in the game. Its ability to allow players to wear heavy pieces in light armor setups, significantly increasing overall mitigations, makes it a popular and powerful choice. This artifact excels in both player-versus-player (PvP) and player-versus-environment (PvE) scenarios, securing its place as a standard and strong choice for many players.


Quick Draw Gloves: Overlooked Potential


Quick Draw Gloves were initially met with uncertainty due to the perceived short duration of their effect. However, the consensus is that, when compared to Featherweight, they don't offer consistent mitigation uptime and fall short in overall damage mitigation. There may be niche use cases, particularly for healers with a Rapier offense, but the cooldown and execution difficulties make them less appealing in the current meta.


Kyra's Neard: A Questionable Position


Kyra's Neard finds itself in a category with an uncertain rating. While currently considered subpar due to underwhelming values, it is set to receive a buff in the upcoming patch. The anticipation of changes makes it challenging to firmly place this artifact in the tier list, leaving it as a question mark until after the patch is implemented.


Tumbler Feet Wraps: A PvP-Specific Option


Designed for light armor and PvP scenarios, Tumbler Feet Wraps remains a decent choice despite a decrease in value after a bug fix. While not as highly valued as before, they still offer significant utility and effects in a single item. These wraps shine in PvP, providing players with a robust option, albeit one that is not as universally applicable as Featherweight.


Jin Headwrap: A Balanced Choice


Positioned as a solid B-tier artifact, Jin Headwrap lands in the middle ground. It boasts a shrug-off effect that reduces the duration of debuffs, which appeals to certain players. However, the locked perks of Vigor and Invigorated may limit its appeal to medium or heavy builds, as light builds may not benefit as much from these effects.


Nimble Leather Coat: PvE Speedrunning Dominance


Considered S-tier for specific PvE speedrunning content, the Nimble Leather Coat shines in certain builds. While not universally superior, it finds its strength in specific setups, making it a valuable option for those focused on achieving optimal speed and efficiency in PvE scenarios.


Ghoul Gloves: Conditional Cool Effect


Ghoul Gloves presents an intriguing concept with a cool effect that allows players to transfer debuffs from themselves to an enemy. However, the conditionality of the effectrequiring the enemy to be under half health and the player to have a debufflimits its overall utility. The cool-down duration further hinders its effectiveness, placing it in a challenging position in the tier list.


 Aune Leather Pants: Versatility with Limitations


Aune Leather Pants find themselves as a versatile option, suitable for various builds but with some limitations. While popular in the past, the emergence of more specialized builds has slightly diminished their widespread use. Their effectiveness depends on the build and playstyle, making them a solid choice in certain scenarios.


Winged Leather Shoes: A Meme Option


Considered a meme option, Winged Leather Shoes fall short of providing significant benefits in PvP or PvE scenarios. The haste effect they offer can be obtained through other gear, and their limited utility in gathering scenarios doesn't justify a higher tier placement. As a result, they find themselves in a lower tier, positioned above only the Gry Wizard's Hat.


Unmovable Remains: A Questionable Artifact


Unmovable Remains remains a question mark in the tier list due to a lingering bug that hinders a comprehensive assessment of its effectiveness. Until the bug is resolved and further testing is conducted, it remains a mystery where this artifact truly stands in terms of viability.


Void Dark Plate: Raw Mitigation Power


Void Dark Plate emerges as a straightforward and effective choice, offering raw armor and Enchanted Ward. While not particularly unique or interesting, its consistent performance in both PvP and PvE scenarios makes it a reliable and strong option.


Magnetic Gauntlets: Niche Crit-Focused Utility


Magnetic Gauntlets find themselves in a niche category, excelling primarily in crit-focused builds, such as the Void Gaet build. While not universally effective, their unique application in specific scenarios justifies their placement in the tier list.


Freedom Pants: Situation-Dependent


Freedom Pants exhibit a situation-dependent nature, with their effectiveness hinging on the prevalent crowd control (CC) types in the game. While they may not feel as impactful in certain situations, they offer a viable option for war players and can be considered a middle-ground choice based on playstyle and build.


The Unending: Uncertain Value


The Unending raises uncertainty in its tier placement due to ongoing issues and potential bugs. Limited testing has made it difficult to determine its true effectiveness, and until further assessments are conducted, it remains in a tentative position.


Anointed: A Once-Paramount Artifact


Anointed, once considered a paramount choice for every build, has seen its status diminish with subsequent nerfs. While still good, it is no longer strictly necessary, and players now weigh the downsides against its benefits. With the introduction of other healing options, Anointed now resides comfortably in the A-tier.


Lost Stopwatch: Niche and Limited


Lost Stopwatch occupies a niche and limited space within the tier list. Its effect, particularly the stun duration extension, has limited applications, making it one of the weaker options. Despite potential use in PvE scenarios, its overall effectiveness places it towards the lower end of the tier list.


Blood Drinker: Potential in PvE and PvP


Blood Drinker stands out as an interesting artifact, with potential applications in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Recent adjustments may enhance its usability, particularly in solo farming scenarios and situations where additional healing is necessary. Its unique nature allows for versatile applications, earning it a spot in the mid-tier range.


Endless Thirst: A Divisive Option


Endless Thirst divides opinions due to its trade-off of increased potion cooldowns for enhanced potency. While some players appreciate its benefits, others find the sacrifice less appealing. The divisive nature places it in the middle ground, with its effectiveness largely dependent on individual playstyles and preferences.




Navigating the world of New World demands careful consideration of armor artifacts, each with its unique effects and applications. This tier list provides a subjective overview of how these artifacts currently perform in the game, but it's essential to remember that the meta is ever-evolving, and patches can significantly impact the effectiveness of each artifact. As players continue to explore and adapt their playstyles, the tier list may witness shifts and adjustments, making New World an ever-exciting and dynamic gaming experience.

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