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Blog > Lineage 2M Class Guide - The Best PVP and PVE Options

Lineage 2M Class Guide - The Best PVP and PVE Options

Apr 17, 2023, 09:12:10 PST | Categories : Lineage 2M |

This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look into the best PvP and PvE options for Lineage 2M classes. It covers a variety of builds and strategies to help players get the most out of their class.
In Lineage 2M, which class is the best? Each and every massively multiplayer online game eventually faces this inquiry. The game's unique race and class combo system can make describing the best combos rather unintuitive and perplexing for younger players, despite their increasing importance given the game's solid mob harvest tedium and intriguing Combat. The game hasn't even started yet. There will undoubtedly be adjustments as bug fixes, and balance changes are implemented. For the time being, though, your adequate Lineage 2M class, including Lineage 2M Class - PVP and Lineage 2M Class - PVE, will rely on a few factors that we'll go over below.

Lineage 2M:  Class List
Sword - Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf
Dual Blades - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf
Spear - Human, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf
Dagger - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf
Bow - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc
Staff - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc
Orb - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf

The Lineage 2M class that you are able to pick is completely determined by the species that you want to represent. If you don't worry about the ideal ethnicity and intrinsic score distribution for a particular class in Lineage 2M, you are free to play any class you want.
If that isn't the case, then you'll have to pick your area based on the race you're looking for. For instance, humans can take on the role of a Warrior (weapon), but dark elves cannot. In point of fact, humans are free to choose any of the Lineage 2M classes available to them; however, due to their well-rounded statistics, they are not the best option for any of the classes.
Orcs represent the polar opposite of humans in this context. Their attribute distributions are more closely in line with the potential alternatives as a result of the fact that they can choose from only three of the six classes accessible in Lineage 2M.

Lineage 2M Class – PVE
Human - Cleric
Elf - Oracle
Dark Elf - Oracle
Dwarf – Cleric

Orb is the collective name for the game's restorative class, and it is the Lineage 2M class that is considered to be the best choice when it comes to harvesting enemies and accumulating experience. The Orb character, with its ability for area damage and critical self-sustain skills, is the consensus choice of players across the game's Reddit and Discord groups for rapidly rising up and gathering goods.
During character formation, the Orc species is the only one that cannot select the Orb class; therefore, if you want to play the best Lineage 2M Class – PVE that is currently accessible, you should steer clear of that one. You could play as an Orc Warlock and form a party with a player who specializes in Orbs, but the class that is considered to be the finest in Lineage 2: Mists right now is known for its ability to harvest both solitary and afk.
It would be best if you aimed for a healthy combination of Knowledge and Intelligence, no matter which species you choose to play. The combination of an Elf and an Oracle is the most advantageous, but other species aren't too far behind. The more experience you gain and the more weapons you acquire, the less noticeable these individual attribute disparities will become.

Lineage 2M Class – PVP
Human - Raider
Elf - Seeker
Dark Elf - Assassin
Dwarf – Rogue

At this point, any class that utilizes a dagger is the optimal choice for player-versus-player fighting. Raider (Human), Seeker (Elf), Assassin (Dark Elf), and Rogue are the names of the four classes that you should search for because Lineage 2M tends to assign the same class a different moniker depending on the species (Dwarf).
Orcs do not have access to the Dagger Lineage 2M class; they are essentially the least desirable option for participating in this kind of player-versus-player combat (PVP), as evidenced by the absence of an Orc species in the list that was presented.
In general, you want to be stealthy and quick on your feet so that you can surprise other players with strikes that are powerful, pointed, and delivered in a timely manner. Since orcs are traditionally known for being noisy and sluggish, they are ideally suited to the aggressive front-line strategies typically utilized by fighters and knights.
Due solely to the fact that Dark Elves have a greater ethnic AGI number than other races, the Dark Elf and Dagger combination is the one that will perform the best in player versus player combat. Having said that, we shouldn't expect them to have the highest level of durability. It's possible that a Human Dagger or a Drawf Dagger would be a superior choice for you if you're looking for something with a little more lasting strength and space for mistakes.

Final Thoughts
It is important to point out that many people believe the Orb class in Lineage 2M to be one of the finest choices for player versus player combat at the present time. If you're looking to engage in both PVE and PVP, Orb is likely the superior choice you can make, whether it's because of its durability, team restores, area damage, or minor crowd control effects. All of these factors come into play and more cheap Lineage 2M Diamonds best offers on, go to buy now.

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