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Blog > Exploring the Light Great Swords in Elden Ring

Exploring the Light Great Swords in Elden Ring

Aug 30, 2024, 11:20:31 PST | Categories : Elden Ring |

In the vast, treacherous world of Elden Ring, where every corner holds both peril and promise, weapon choice often dictates the flow of combat. For those who seek a blend of agility and power, the light great swords have emerged as an unexpectedly versatile option. Recently, a subtle but impactful adjustment to these weapons has breathed new life into them, making them an undisputed favorite for many players, including myself. In this article, we'll delve into why light great swords are so appealing and how they have transformed the way I approach battles in Elden Ring.

The Light Great Swords in Elden Ring.jpg

A Fresh Perspective on Light Great Swords

When the DLC for Elden Ring was released, light great swords were in a somewhat precarious position. Previously, they struggled against human opponents due to their inability to reliably stun enemies, which often led to frustrating trade-offs. The change, though not revolutionary, has significantly improved the utility and effectiveness of these weapons. For me, it has been a game-changer, allowing me to handle invasions and duels with newfound confidence.

My current favorite is the Mady, a weapon that has quickly become indispensable. The adjustments made to light great swords have made them feel fantastic, especially in terms of their ability to handle various combat scenarios. The newfound effectiveness in stunning enemies and the overall improved feel of these weapons have made them a go-to choice for my character build.

The Build: A Balanced Approach

For those interested in replicating or understanding my approach, let's break down the build I'm using. My character is at level 200 with the following stats:

    • Vigor: 60

    • Mind: 20

    • Endurance: 59

    • Strength: 16

    • Dexterity: 99

This build is designed to maximize the effectiveness of the light great swords by focusing on dexterity, which enhances the weapon's scaling and overall damage output. The high vigor ensures that I can sustain damage during prolonged fights, while endurance provides the necessary stamina for frequent attacks and evasive maneuvers.

Weapon Versatility: The Strengths of Light Great Swords

One of the key reasons light great swords are so effective is their versatility. Each attack type offers unique advantages:

    • Running Attacks: These are performed with a double hit that can surprise opponents who are unprepared for a quick follow-up attack.

    • Jumping Attacks: Also feature a double hit, providing a reliable way to break through enemy defenses.

    • Charge Attacks: Unlike other weapons where charge attacks often result in enemies retreating, light great swords move you forward, allowing you to close the gap and keep pressure on your opponent.

The forward movement of the charge attack is particularly noteworthy. It enables a playstyle where aggressive tactics are viable, as opposed to weapons like hammers or axes where charging forward can often lead to missed opportunities and vulnerability.

Talismans and Parrying: Enhancing Combat Efficiency

The light great swords' effectiveness is further enhanced by the use of specific talismans. Here's a look at some of the talismans I use and why they are beneficial:

    • Buckler: I use this to parry attacks, which is visually pleasing and strategically advantageous.

    • Lacerating Cross Talisman: This talisman enhances running attacks, complementing the aggressive playstyle I employ. It boosts the damage output of running attacks, making them even more formidable.

    • Dagger Talisman: Although not equipped in this setup, it is a useful option for those who prefer to focus on parrying rather than relying on Ashes of War.

The versatility of these talismans allows for a range of tactical approaches. Whether you prefer to parry or engage in direct combat, there's a talisman that fits your playstyle and complements the light great swords' strengths.

Invasion Highlights: Putting the Build to the Test

To illustrate the effectiveness of the light great swords and my build, let me share some memorable moments from recent invasions. These highlights showcase the power and adaptability of the light great swords in various combat scenarios:

    1. Against a Hammer-Wielding Opponent: I faced a player using a hammer, which is typically challenging due to its high damage and range. However, with the light great swords' forward-moving charge attacks and effective parrying, I was able to handle the situation with relative ease. The key was to use the forward movement to close the distance and prevent the hammer from landing its heavy blows.

    2. Fighting Multiple Enemies: In a challenging encounter with multiple opponents, the versatility of the light great swords shone through. By utilizing running and jumping attacks, I was able to keep pressure on my foes and manage the crowd effectively. The improved ability to stun and deal consistent damage made a significant difference in these chaotic battles.

    3. Facing a Dexterity Build: Another memorable fight involved an opponent using a dexterity-based build. Despite their speed and agility, the light great swords' charge attacks and overall reach allowed me to land decisive blows and turn the tide of the battle. The weapon's balance between speed and power proved to be advantageous in this scenario.

Conclusion: A Weapon Worth Embracing

The recent adjustments to light great swords in Elden Ring have undeniably improved their performance, making them a powerful and versatile choice for players. The Mady, in particular, has become my undisputed favorite due to its ability to handle various combat situations with ease. Whether you're engaging in duels, invasions, or exploring the vast world of Elden Ring, the light great swords offer a dynamic and enjoyable playstyle.

With their versatility, enhanced effectiveness, and the ability to utilize various talismans, light great swords have become a compelling option for those looking to excel in combat. If you haven't yet tried them out, I highly recommend giving them a chance. Their recent improvements have made them a formidable weapon that can enhance your gameplay experience and lead to many satisfying victories.

So, whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to Elden Ring, consider adding light great swords to your arsenal. You might find that they become your new favorite weapon, just as they have for me. Enjoy the battles, and may your journey through the Lands Between be ever victorious.

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