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Blog > Elden Ring: The Divine Mysteries of the Land Encased in Shade

Elden Ring: The Divine Mysteries of the Land Encased in Shade

Aug 10, 2024, 08:34:05 PST | Categories : Elden Ring |

Elden Ring's expansion into the Shadow Realm has significantly deepened its exploration of divine themes, especially concerning the outer gods. With the arrival of the DLC, the game remains firmly rooted in its exploration of divinity, but now with an expanded focus on the outer gods that exist beyond the world of the Lands Between. This article delves into the divine mysteries unveiled in the DLC, exploring the roles of outer gods, the significance of the greater will, and the intricate connections to various deities and divine entities.

Elden Ring: The Land Encased in Shade.jpg


The Outer Gods of the Shadow Realm


The Shadow Realm, a land cloaked in mystery and divine corruption, brings to light a variety of outer gods previously hinted at or directly referenced in the base game. Unlike the Lands Between, where outer gods played a somewhat background role, the DLC throws these divine beings into the spotlight, highlighting their pervasive influence and interaction with the world.


1. The Greater Will:


One of the most significant revelations in the DLC revolves around the Greater Will. In the base game, there was much debate about whether the Greater Will, the progenitor of the Elden Beast, could be classified as an outer god or something even more transcendental. New dialogue from the character Amir provides intriguing insights. Amir, a glintstone sorcerer, reveals that he and his kind were born from a rupture caused by the Greater Will, suggesting that the Greater Will is indeed an entity beyond the conventional scope of outer gods.


Amir's claims align with Haetta and the Three Fingers' statements from the base game, which described the Greater Will as causing individuated life through a cosmic rupture. This rupture could be likened to a Big Bang event, where the original, undivided existence shattered into multiple forms of life. The notion that the Greater Will might exist outside the spatial plane, similar to the Abrahamic God concept, further supports its categorization as something beyond the outer gods. This perspective implies that the Greater Will is an active, godlike figure, distinct from the more passive outer gods of the universe.


2. Met, the Mother of Fingers:


Met, the Mother of Fingers, is another pivotal figure whose role extends beyond mere divine influence. As the first shooting star to fall upon the Lands Between, Met was directly sent by the Greater Will before even the Elden Beast's arrival. The staff of the Great Beyond, associated with Met, indicates her significant connection to the divine realm. Despite being broken and abandoned, Met's influence persisted, hinting at the Greater Will's former involvement in the world. Her abandonment suggests a shift in divine attentiveness, possibly due to disillusionment with the world's development.


Met's role as a figure who received messages from the Greater Will further underscores the idea that the Greater Will was once active and communicative. The gradual cessation of this communication points to a divine abandonment, which might have been prompted by the world's failures or deviations from the original divine plan.


3. The Frenzy Flame and Its Influence:


The Flame of Frenzy, a nihilistic force opposing the Greater Will's creation of individuated life, emerges as a direct antagonist in the DLC. The frenzy flame seeks to undo the diversity introduced by the Greater Will, aiming to return all existence to a singular, chaotic state. This concept of entropy and the heat death of the universe resonates with the frenzy flame's goal of accelerating destruction and reversion to an equilibrium state.


In the Abyssal Woods, a quarantined zone exhibits the chaotic influence of the frenzy flame. The area is marked by yellow flames and guarded by Elder Inquisitors, with frenzy-crazed lanterns patrolling the lands. The presence of a Talisman depicting the exaltation of an aging untouchable, linked to frenzy, further emphasizes the connection between the frenzy flame and its destructive aspirations. The DLC showcases past attempts to create a lord of frenzy flame, adding depth to its destructive impact.


4. Ramana, Saint of the Bud:


Ramana, also known as the Saint of the Bud, represents another significant outer god within the DLC. Originally an attendant of a church in raw, Ramana discovered a twisted divine element that she transformed into the baleful Scarlet Rot. This transformation highlights the process of divine corruption, where a previously sacred symbol becomes associated with a destructive force.


Ramana's role as a figure of the Scarlet Rot aligns with her acceptance of the rot creatures, positioning her as a maternal figure to those who suffer from rot. The Scarlet Rot's connection to suffering and decay is further reflected in various game items and lore, reinforcing Ramana's role in embodying and perpetuating the divine rot.


5. The Formless Mother and the Blood Fiends:


The Formless Mother, also known as the Mother of Truth, plays a crucial role in the Shadow Realm's divine landscape. The blood fiends, who have suffered immense torment, revere this outer god. Their transformation into blood fiends and their practices of communing with the Formless Mother highlight the divine exploitation of suffering. The Talisman of the blood fiends reveals that their reverence for the Formless Mother is tied to their ancestral connections and their resulting subjugation.


The blood fiendsevolution into a twisted form of servitude under the Formless Mother reflects a recurring theme in the DLC: the outer godsexploitation of suffering and religious practices for their own ends. The blood fiends' transformation and their ongoing servitude illustrate the manipulative nature of the Formless Mother's influence.

The Fallen and the Forgotten Gods


Several outer gods or godly beings appear more subtly within the DLC, providing intriguing but limited insights into their roles. The Fel God, associated with fire and the horned cent, and the God of the Death Birds, linked to death and ghost flame, contribute to the rich tapestry of divine entities explored in the DLC. While detailed information on these gods remains sparse, their presence adds depth to the Shadow Realm's divine lore.


1. The Fel God:


The Fel God, depicted in the furnace golems and associated with fire, represents a deity haunting the horned cent. The connection between the Fel God and fire themes suggests its significance in the divine hierarchy, although its exact nature and role require further exploration.


2. The God of Death Birds:


The God of the Death Birds, mentioned briefly in the base game, resurfaces in the DLC with the introduction of new grave birds and ghost flame creatures. The connection to death and the presence of the twinbird suggest its relevance to the divine themes of mortality and the afterlife.




The DLC for Elden Ring enriches the game's exploration of divinity and outer gods, presenting a complex and multifaceted view of these divine entities. From the Greater Will and its cosmic influence to the twisted deities of the Scarlet Rot and the Formless Mother, the Shadow Realm offers a deeper understanding of the divine forces shaping the world. As players navigate this dark and mysterious land, they encounter the remnants and manifestations of these outer gods, each contributing to the overarching narrative of suffering, power, and divine manipulation. The continued exploration of these themes promises to deepen the lore and enhance the immersive experience of Elden Ring.

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