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Blog > Shadow of the Erdtree Weapon Guide - Top 5 New Most Powerful Boss Weapons

Shadow of the Erdtree Weapon Guide - Top 5 New Most Powerful Boss Weapons

Jun 29, 2024, 09:37:01 PST | Categories : Elden Ring |

Today, we're diving into the intriguing world of Elden Ring's DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. We have an exciting topic lined up for you boss weapons! With the new options coming in the DLC, you may be wondering which Elden Ring Items weapons are worth spending your limited memories on. Fortunately, we've had the chance to play around with all of them, and I'm here to share my first impressions of the top five new boss weapons from a PVE perspective.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree.jpg


5. The Staff of the Great Beyond


Our first weapon, or rather, tool, is the Staff of the Great Beyond. Although it's not directly a weapon, it deserves a mention for its unique and effective design. This isn't just any staff it's also a seal, allowing you to cast both incantations and sorceries in unison without any issue. The quality of life and convenience this offers are fantastic. Many incantations and sorceries are not about dealing maximum damage but applying buffs, making this staff a highly versatile tool.


To use this staff, you'll need 25 Intelligence and 25 Faith, fitting perfectly into the DLC's theme of mixing Intelligence and Faith for new builds. While it doesn't scale the damage for either uniquely, it's still very decent for those not looking to min-max. It falls off when you start to commit to a specific play style or reach high stats, but at lower levels, it's phenomenal. The convenience and quality of life it offers deserve acknowledgment, even if it doesn't make it into the top ranks purely for combat effectiveness.


4. The Sword Lance


Next up is the Sword Lance, a heavy thrusting sword that is as close as we're getting to a real lance weapon in Elden Ring. The weapon itself isn't particularly remarkable, but its value lies in its Ash of War the Spinning Gravity Thrust. This Ash of War is a two-parter and can be removed from the boss weapon and placed on other weapons with better scaling and move sets. This feature alone makes it incredibly impactful.


Imagine taking the unique ashes from boss weapons and putting them on other, more effective weapons. With the Sword Lance, you can do just that. By placing the Spinning Gravity Thrust onto a classic colossal sword like the Great Sword, you can create a highly effective successive hit build. This makes the Sword Lance an exciting option despite its lackluster performance.


3. The Great Swords of Red Dawn (Lord and Light Versions)


In third place, we have the Great Swords of Red Dawn the Lord version and the Light version. These weapons are nearly identical, with their scaling and stats being the same; only the Ash of War changes. Both versions mix physical and magic damage, with the Lord version's Ash of War being a potent, multi-hit combo that leaves arcs of magical light in its wake. This combo can deal impressive damage but requires careful timing and good Poise to avoid being interrupted.


The Light version, on the other hand, features a charged leap and slam attack, followed by beams of light. This attack is faster and can be used from a bit of range, making it more functional and reliable in general gameplay. Both versions of the Great Swords of Red Dawn are powerful, but their usability depends on the situation and your build.


2. The Spear of the Impaler


Our second-place weapon is the Spear of the Impaler. This great spear has solid stats, with physical and fire damage at its base, scaling mainly with Dexterity and Faith. Its heavy attack allows you to throw the spear, dealing significant damage and leaving a pool of magma behind, all at zero FP cost. This gives the spear incredible utility, especially with its unique Ash of War.


The Ash of War is a three-part combo: a leap and spin attack followed by a swipe of fire, multiple thrusts, and a final slam that results in an explosion of spears from the ground. This combo is highly effective in PVE, with the potential to stagger humanoid enemies and deal with impressive DPS. The Spear of the Impaler's combination of range, utility, and damage output makes it a top-tier choice.


1. The Rala Twin Blades


Finally, our top pick is the Rala Twin Blades. These twin blades are incredibly popular for good reason. They feature scaling in everything but Arcane, allowing for a variety of build focuses. The move set is light and effective, with the Ash of War stealing the show. This Ash of War allows you to take up a stance and either send out up to five magical arcs or perform a spinning fire attack, depending on whether you use the light or heavy follow-up.


The versatility and effectiveness of the Rala Twin Blades in both single-target and multi-target scenarios, combined with their powerful Ash of War, make them an outstanding choice. Whether you're focusing on magic or fire, these blades offer a slick and highly effective combat experience.


And there you have it my top five picks for the new boss weapons in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. These weapons each bring something unique to the table, offering new and exciting ways to approach combat in the game.


Check out more specialized builds and comparisons on P2Pah. If you have any additional information or opinions based on your own testing, feel free to let us know. P2Pah provides buy Elden Ring Runes service! Thanks for reading, and see you next time!

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