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Blog > A Guide to Preparing for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Earth DLC

A Guide to Preparing for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Earth DLC

Mar 18, 2024, 09:30:02 PST | Categories : Elden Ring |

As anticipation builds for the release of Elden Ring's highly anticipated Shadow of the Earth DLC, players are gearing up to face new challenges, uncover mysteries, and delve deeper into the lore of this expansive world. With the promise of fresh content on the horizon, many are seeking guidance on how best to prepare for the upcoming expansion.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Earth DLC


In this concise guide, we'll break down the essential steps you need to take to ensure you're ready to tackle the Shadow of the Earth DLC head-on. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, these tips will help you make the most out of your Elden Ring experience.


1. Create a New Character:


The first and most crucial step in preparing for the Shadow of the Earth DLC is to create a new character. Starting fresh allows you to experience the DLC content in your first playthrough, without the heightened difficulty that comes with later stages of the game. Aim to create a character within the level range of 100 to 150, as this will provide a balanced foundation for exploring the new content.


Additionally, take advantage of the various Rune farming methods available to tailor your character's build to your playstyle. While specific build requirements for the DLC are still unknown, focusing on your favorite weapon and adapting your build as needed will ensure versatility in facing upcoming challenges.


2. Complete the Game Again:


For those who have already completed Elden Ring or progressed significantly in their current playthrough, it's advisable to revisit key areas and bosses to ensure readiness for the DLC. Aim to reach a point where you can defeat Moog in Mogwin's Palace relatively easily, as Moog is speculated to serve as the skill barrier for the entire DLC.


By familiarizing yourself with late-game areas and honing your combat skills, you'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges that await in the Shadow of the Earth DLC.


3. Gather Resources and Crafting Materials:


In preparation for the new content, stockpile resources and craft materials that may be essential for upgrading Elden Ring Items weapons and gear. Acquire Lavel teers to facilitate Respecting your character's stats as needed, ensuring flexibility in adapting to the demands of the DLC.


Additionally, collect Bell bearings for smithing stones and glove warts, as these materials may be required for crafting new weapons and potentially summoning allies in the DLC. Having a well-stocked inventory will enable you to make the most of the new content from the moment it's released.


4. Stay Informed and Stay Flexible:


While we have some insights into what to expect from the Shadow of the Earth DLC, it's essential to remain open-minded and adaptable. From a new leveling system to unforeseen mechanics, the DLC may introduce elements that challenge conventional strategies and playstyles.


Stay informed by keeping up with P2Pah announcements and developer insights, but also be prepared to adjust your approach based on your own experiences in the game. Experimentation and adaptation will be key to mastering the challenges of the DLC and uncovering its secrets.


In Conclusion:


As the release of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Earth DLC draws nearer, the excitement among players continues to mount. By following these preparation tips, you can ensure that you're ready to dive into the new content and face whatever challenges lie ahead.


Whether you're creating a new character, revisiting familiar territories, or stockpiling resources, the key is to approach the DLC with an open mind and a willingness to adapt. With careful preparation and a flexible mindset, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the shadows and emerge victorious in the world of the Elden Ring.

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