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Blog > Defeating the Cyclops in Dungeonborne: A Solo Guide

Defeating the Cyclops in Dungeonborne: A Solo Guide

Aug 06, 2024, 08:47:46 PST | Categories : Dungeonborne |

Dungeonborne offers players a challenging and immersive experience, and one of the game's most daunting encounters is the Cyclops, the main boss in the Castle Clao dungeon. In this guide, we'll take a deep dive into the strategies and tactics you need to defeat this formidable foe solo, without relying on cheesy tactics or exploits.

Location and Setup

The Cyclops resides in the Castle Clao dungeon, which is always marked on the map and is typically situated near the center of the area. To reach the Cyclops, you'll need to navigate your way to the top of the castle's rooftop. The stairs leading to the rooftop are crucial, as climbing them will allow you to access the Cyclops's arena. Be aware that as soon as you set foot on the rooftop, the Cyclops will aggro, making it imperative to be prepared for battle.

Dungeonborne: A Solo Guide.jpg

Combat Strategy

1. Initial Preparation

Before engaging the Cyclops, ensure you're well-prepared. Equip a crossbow or a weapon of your choice and have plenty of Dungeonborne gold, healing items, and potions on hand. This guide assumes you're using a crossbow, but the principles can be applied regardless of your weapon choice.

2. Understanding the Cyclops’s Attacks

The Cyclops has a variety of attacks that you need to be wary of:

    • Pound Attack: This is a ground slam that creates a shockwave. The key to avoiding this attack is to stay far away when you see the Cyclops preparing for the pound. It’s essential to back away rather than trying to jump over the shockwave, as jumping might not be effective.

    • Punch Attack: The Cyclops will throw punches, which can come in singles or doubles. The number of punches depends on your distance from the Cyclops. Be prepared to dodge or block these attacks. If you’re far enough away, it might only throw a single punch.

    • Boulder Toss: The Cyclops can throw boulders, which can be dodged by standing behind the statues or other cover. You can also avoid these projectiles by maintaining a good distance.

3. Fighting Tactics

    • Targeting the Head: Always aim for the Cyclops’s head. This is typically its weak spot and hitting it there can cause critical damage. Consistent headshots will also increase your chances of staggering the Cyclops, which will create opportunities for more significant damage.

    • Dealing Damage When Down: After dealing enough damage, the Cyclops will stagger and fall to the ground. This is your prime opportunity to unleash your most powerful abilities. If you have skills or abilities that deal area-of-effect (AoE) damage, use them while the Cyclops is down. For example, if you’re using a class with an ability like the Fighter’s Whirlwind or Pyromancer’s Pyrro Blast, this is the time to deploy these attacks.

    • Using Abilities Wisely: Abilities like Grasp of the Grave are useful for generating soul energy, which can enhance your damage output. Make sure to use these abilities to their full potential, especially when the Cyclops is staggered. If you have mana, drink mana potions to maintain your ability usage throughout the fight.

4. Avoiding Damage

    • Ground Pound: As mentioned, distance is key. If you see the Cyclops preparing for a ground pound, move back immediately to avoid the shockwave.

    • Punches: Dodge or block the punches as they come. Keep an eye on the Cyclops’s movements to predict whether it will throw one or two punches.

    • Boulders: Use the environment to your advantage by staying behind cover. You can also dodge these attacks by moving quickly.

Final Tips

1. Stay on the Move: Constantly move to avoid the Cyclops's attacks. Staying mobile will help you avoid getting hit and give you better positioning for your counterattacks.

2. Manage Your Health: Keep an eye on your health throughout the fight. If you’re low, use healing items or potions to ensure you can continue fighting effectively.

3. Maximize Damage Output: Use your most damaging abilities when the Cyclops is down. This will help you defeat the boss more quickly and efficiently.

4. Loot and Rewards: After defeating the Cyclops, you’ll receive loot and possibly a crystal to use for further progression. The large yellow chests you encounter may not always contain superior loot compared to regular chests, so manage your expectations accordingly.


Taking down the Cyclops in Dungeonborne can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By understanding its attack patterns, leveraging your abilities effectively, and maintaining good positioning, you can overcome this boss solo. Remember, patience and preparation are key to success in this battle. With these strategies, you should be well-equipped to tackle the Cyclops and emerge victorious.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to like and subscribe to P2Pah for more content on Dungeonborne and other games. Good luck, and happy dungeon crawling!

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