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Blog > Dungeonborne Gold Money Making Guide: The Midas Touch Strategy

Dungeonborne Gold Money Making Guide: The Midas Touch Strategy

Jul 30, 2024, 09:47:12 PST | Categories : Dungeonborne |

Hey, what's up? Thanks for tuning in! Today's guide is all about making Dungeonborne gold money using the Midas Touch tier bonus. This method is risk-free and highly effective, so let's dive in and see how much money we can make without dying.


Understanding the Midas Touch Tier Bonus


First, let's break down how the Midas Touch tier bonus works:


    • Tier 1: After killing an enemy, you gain 30 coins.

    • Tier 2: After opening a chest, you gain 60 coins.

    • Tier 3: After surviving a raid, you gain 1,800 coins.


Each tier set requires a certain number of Midas Touch points to activate. For instance, the 10 out of 3 requirement means you need at least 3 Midas Touch points to get the tier bonus. If your points drop below this threshold, the bonus becomes inactive.

Dungeonborne Gold Money-Making Guide.jpg


Setting Up for the Midas Touch


To start, equip gear that maximizes your Midas Touch points. This may involve sacrificing some defensive or offensive capabilities, but the trade-off is worth it for the increased coin gain.


Here's how you can verify your tier bonuses:


1. Check Your Inventory: Ensure you have enough Midas Touch points to activate each tier. The number of points you have and the requirement for each tier are displayed in your inventory.

2. Equip and Adjust Gear: If your Midas Touch points drop below the requirement, the tier bonus will be grayed out. Adjust your gear accordingly to maintain the necessary points.


The Money-Making Run


Now, let's get into the run itself. The goal is to maximize coin gain by focusing on enemy kills, chest openings, and surviving raids.


Step-by-Step Guide


1. Start the Raid:


    • Begin by killing easy enemies like goblins. Each kill grants you 30 coins. Goblins are particularly good targets as they take a moment to get up, making them easy to defeat quickly.

    • Avoid bosses and tougher enemies. This run is about making money, not farming rare items.


2. Open Chests:


    • As you progress, open every chest you come across. Each chest gives you 60 coins. This adds up quickly and is a major source of income.

    • Keep an eye out for mimics. While dangerous, they often drop valuable items and can significantly boost your coin count.


3. Stay Alive:


    • The final step is to survive the raid. Successfully extracting from the raid nets you a massive 1,800 coins.

    • Use potions and other healing items to maintain your health. Stick to safer areas and avoid unnecessary risks.


Example Run Breakdown


During a typical run, you might encounter the following:


    • Enemy Kills: If you kill 15 goblins, that's 450 coins.

    • Chest Openings: If you open 5 chests, that's 300 coins.

    • Raid Survival: Successfully extracting gives you 1,800 coins.


In this example, you'd make a total of 2,550 coins. With practice and efficiency, this number can easily go higher.


Tips and Tricks


1. Learn Enemy Patterns:


    • Understanding the attack patterns of enemies like bats and ghosts can help you avoid damage and kill them more efficiently.

    • Practice farming specific enemies to get a feel for their behavior and weaknesses.


2. Maximize Efficiency:


    • Always be on the lookout for crates and other destructible objects. They often contain small amounts of gold which add up over time.

    • Plan your routes to minimize backtracking and maximize the number of enemies and chests you encounter.


3. Manage Resources:


    • Use your potions and scrolls wisely. It's better to use a potion and survive than to risk dying and losing all your progress.

    • Keep an eye on your inventory space and prioritize picking up items that can be sold for a high value.


4. Extract Early if Necessary:


    • If your health is low and you don't have any healing items left, it's better to extract early and secure your coins rather than risk dying.

    • There's no shame in playing it safe, especially when you're sitting on a large amount of gold.


Final Thoughts


With the Midas Touch tier bonus, making money in Dungeonborne is straightforward and low-risk. Focus on killing easy enemies, opening chests, and surviving raids to maximize your coin gain.


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