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Blog > Diablo 4 Season 4: Heartseeker Build Guide

Diablo 4 Season 4: Heartseeker Build Guide

Jun 29, 2024, 09:22:09 PST | Categories : Diablo 4 |

I'm bringing you an updated build guide for Heartseeker, which is by far my favorite and best build that I've played this season, and probably one of my favorite builds overall in almost a year of Diablo. This build is insanely fun, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Today, we're going to go over the full build guide, covering skills, Diablo IV Items choices, and some other options for the build. We'll also showcase a Tier 100 dungeon run. So, let's get right into it!


Skills Breakdown




Heartseeker is our basic attack and the core of this build. This build is focused on Lucky Hit chance and Vulnerable damage. We use Heartseeker as our primary attack for its Ricochet effect, which deals more damage. To optimize Heartseeker, aim to get it up to 12 ranks through skill points and gear.

Diablo 4 Season 4: Heartseeker Build Guide.jpg


Defensive and Utility Skills


    • Sturdy: Max this out for damage reduction since we are quite fragile as a Rogue.

    • Siphoning Strikes: Put one point here for Lucky Hit to heal.

    • Shadow Step: Our only form of Unstoppable unless you choose Concealment.

    • Weapon Mastery: Max this for more Vulnerable damage.

    • Caltrops: Our main trap ability for extra crit chance and 60% multiplicative damage against enemies. We use Discipline Caltrops for added benefits.

    • Concussive: Max this for a crit chance against knocked-down enemies.

    • Dash: Use Enhanced Dash for extra crit strike damage and to apply Daze.


Additional Options


You have a few flexible points that can be allocated based on your preference:


    • Damage Reduction: Against damage over time effects and control impairing effects.

    • Stutter Step: For more movement speed, though it's often not necessary.

    • Max Siphoning Strikes: For increased healing.

    • Extra Caltrops Cooldown Reduction: For more frequent usage.

    • Smoke Grenade: For longer dazes.


Key Passive Skills


    • Exploit and Malice: Max these for increased damage.

    • Dark Shroud: Max this for survivability and move speed.

    • Smoke Grenade: With Countering Smoke Grenade for increased damage against dazed enemies.

    • Frigid Finesse: For multiplicative damage against frozen enemies.

    • Adrenaline Rush and Haste: For more move speed.


Ultimate Skills


For our ultimate skill, we use Shadow Clone, suggested by community member Death by Toaster. Shadow Clone is excellent for clearing large groups and dealing with bosses, creating a build that feels incredibly powerful.




Our specialization is Inner Sight, which gives us increased crit chance when dealing damage. This is crucial for maximizing our damage output.


Gear Choices




    • Godslayer: The pull-in effect and 60% multiplicative damage for 3 seconds is excellent for clearing, though you might need to wait 12 seconds between procs. Alternatively, Shako for a more defensive option.




    • Umbres: Provides a free Dark Shroud for survivability.




    • Concussive Strikes: Lucky Hit, it dazes enemies and increases damage against dazed enemies. Prioritize attack speed, Lucky Hit, and Vulnerable damage on your gloves.




    • Shared Misery: The MVP of the build. It has a 50% chance to spread crowd control effects to other enemies, making it indispensable.




    • Hectic: Reduces cooldowns after casting a basic skill, allowing frequent use of Smoke Grenades and Shadow Clone. For pushing higher tiers, consider using Undying for added survivability.




    • Bow: Use Moonrise for increased attack speed, damage, and movement speed.

    • Daggers: Prefer daggers for a slightly faster attack speed. Use Incalm for flat damage. Alternatively, use Elemental for cycling elemental damage.




    • Edge Masters: For increased damage with a full resource bar.

    • Retribution: For increased damage against distant and stunned enemies.

    • Lucky Hit: Ensure you have a ring with Lucky Hit to make enemies vulnerable.




    • Adaptability: For increased damage to basic skills. Ideally, look for an amulet with Lucky Hit chance, ranks to Malice, and ranks to Exploit.


Paragon Board


Our Paragon Board is designed to maximize our damage and survivability:


    • Ambush: For more damage against enemies affected by our traps.

    • Chip and Control: For more damage against crowd-controlled enemies.

    • Exploit and Pride: For additional life and damage.

    • Ranger: For increased damage with our bows.

    • No Witnesses and Training with Pride: For maximizing life and attack speed.


Tier 100 Dungeon Showcase


Let's take this build into a Tier 100 dungeon to see it in action. Before starting, craft the Potion of Antivenin for increased life and use the Elixir of Advantage for increased attack speed and Lucky Hit.


Gameplay Tips


    • Crowd Control: Use Caltrops, Smoke Grenade, and Shadow Clone frequently to keep enemies controlled and maximize your damage.

    • Positioning: Stay mobile and use Dash to reposition and avoid damage.

    • Shadow Clone: Use it is strategically against large groups or bosses to maximize your damage output.

    • Lucky Hit: Maintain a high Lucky Hit chance to constantly apply crowd control effects and make enemies vulnerable.


Elite Pack and Boss Strategy


Against elite packs, use Godslayer's pull-in effect to group enemies and quickly eliminate them with Heartseeker and crowd control effects. Against bosses, use Smoke Grenade and Shadow Clone to maintain high damage output and control the fight.




This Heartseeker build is incredibly powerful and fun to play. With the right gear and skill setup, you can clear high-tier content efficiently. Remember to adapt the build to your playstyle and experiment with different gear and skill combinations.


I hope this guide helps you enjoy the Heartseeker build as much as I do. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment below. Don't forget to like the article, subscribe to P2Pah, and keep playing.

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