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Blog > Diablo 4 Season 4: Mastering Greater Affixes and Tempering

Diablo 4 Season 4: Mastering Greater Affixes and Tempering

Jun 22, 2024, 09:10:37 PST | Categories : Diablo 4 |

One key component of the new Diablo 4 Season 4 item system that is growing increasingly significant is Greater Affixes. These affixes can transform an item from merely good to absolutely game-changing, and they can appear on every slot an item has, including unique and Uber unique Diablo 4 items. The top-tier versions of every build you wish to play can only be enhanced further by acquiring these Greater Affixes, making them the ultimate frontier of gear improvements.


Masterworking and Greater Affixes:


Masterworking is the final upgrade system that you unlock, allowing for manual control over the enhancements of your items. This system is a farmable activity dictated by the game, whereas Greater Affixes are entirely reliant on RNG. However, despite their reliance on chance, there are strategies to increase your odds of obtaining these powerful affixes.


Farming Greater Affixes:


To efficiently farm Greater Affixes, players have identified two activities with significantly higher drop rates for Greater Affix items:


1.Blood Maiden Altar Events in World Tier 4 (Hell Tide):


    • Engage in these events with the Profane Mind Cage item active to elevate enemy levels.

    • This is the prime location for obtaining items with multiple Greater Affixes, including triple Greater Affix items.

    • Additionally, participating in these events yields a substantial amount of Infernal Cinders, which can be used to open more Hell Tide chests. Hell Tide chests grant Murmuring Obals this season, which can be traded for equipment in any major town, offering another chance to acquire Greater Affix gear.


2.Torment Endgame Ladder Bosses:


    • Bosses like Duriel and Andariel, especially at torment levels, have a higher likelihood of dropping Greater Affix items.

    • These bosses also have unique drop tables, providing opportunities to obtain specific uniques with Greater Affixes, which can be pivotal for certain builds.


Other noteworthy mentions include higher pit tiers and Nightmare Dungeons, which, while not as efficient in gear-to-time ratio as Blood Maiden events or torment bosses, still offer chances to obtain Greater Affix items alongside masterworking materials.


Tempering Items with Greater Affixes:


Tempering is the process of refining your gear, particularly legendaries, to enhance specific stats. Here are some critical considerations:


1.Understanding Build Priorities:


    • Knowing what makes your build effective is crucial. For example, in a Bash Barbarian build the cleave damage with bash is paramount. Identifying such priorities helps focus tempering efforts.


2.Tempering Process:


    • Focus on the most critical affix first. If you roll the right stat but with a subpar value, evaluate its importance. For highly impactful stats, it may be worth rerolling even at the risk of bricking the item.

    • After securing the primary affix, proceed to the secondary. If there are remaining rerolls, consider how much you want to gamble for better stats, weighing the item's overall value and rarity.


Strategies to Avoid Bricking Items:


Bricking an item means making it unusable by exhausting all rerolls without achieving desired stats. To minimize this risk:


1.Prioritize Key Affixes:


    • Roll for the essential stats first, even if they aren't perfect. Once the right affixes are on the item, you can cautiously reroll for better values.


2.Conserve Rolls for Potential Upgrades:


    • If you have rerolls left after achieving the desired affixes, save them for potential future upgrades. This strategy allows you to maximize the value of your current gear while keeping options open.


3.Avoid Unnecessary Tempering:


    • Some builds have slots with temper slots that don't significantly impact power levels. Focus all resources on the primary affix for these slots to ensure perfection where it matters most.


Debunking Tempering Rumors:


There are numerous rumors about gaming the tempering system, but there is no substantiated evidence supporting these claims. It's essential to focus on known strategies and avoid unproven methods that might waste valuable resources.




In summary, mastering Greater Affixes and tempering is vital for maximizing your build's potential in Diablo 4 Season 4. By focusing on efficient farming methods and careful tempering practices, you can significantly enhance your gear and overall power level. Whether you're actively farming Blood Maiden events or challenging torment ladder bosses, understanding the importance of each affix and tempering wisely will set you on the path to becoming a true endgame powerhouse.


Hopefully, these tips and concepts will aid you in perfecting your build as the season progresses. While some ideas may seem obvious to seasoned ARPG players, they serve as easy guidelines for anyone to leverage the new systems effectively.


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