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Blog > Diablo 4 Season 4: Ultimate Gold Making Guide

Diablo 4 Season 4: Ultimate Gold Making Guide

Jun 08, 2024, 10:15:58 PST | Categories : Diablo 4 |

Today, we have a very special and highly detailed guide on how to make gold in Diablo 4 Season 4. Behind me, you can see some of the results of my efforts, selling and trading items for billions of gold. In this guide, I will walk you through the steps, including what items to sell, what items to farm, and other methods to maximize your gold earnings in Diablo 4.




I'm excited to share all the secrets and methods with you so you can also amass tons of D4 gold for tempering, masterworking, and everything else you need in the game. As you can see from my character, I have about 10 billion gold ready to spend, and I've collected a plethora of items for my next character, including FL FL and a lot of great gear.


I've prepared detailed notes and a comprehensive guide for you about making gold in Diablo 4 Season 4. I'll keep it as detailed as possible while ensuring it's concise and easy to follow. Together, we'll cover every aspect of gold-making, from trading and selling services to farming specific items. Let's dive into the details.

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How to Buy and Sell Items on the Trading Platform


The first step in making gold is mastering the trading platform, especially the one integrated with the official Discord. Trading is one of the fastest ways to accumulate gold. Heres how you can do it:


1. Selling Items:


    • If you want to sell a particular item, like a great sword with top-tier stats, use a screenshot tool like the Snipping Tool.

    • Take a screenshot of the item, and upload it to the trading platform.

    • The platform will automatically fill in the item's details, or you can manually add the item's level, power rank, damage, and effects.

    • Set a price based on market value and list the item. You'll start receiving inquiries from potential buyers.


2. Buying Items:


    • Navigate to the items section on the trading platform.

    • Use filters to narrow down the search to the specific type of item you need, like a two-handed sword with certain effects.

    • Compare prices and make your purchase.


Trading effectively allows you to price check and ensures you sell items at the correct value, making billions of gold once you master the process.


Farming and Selling Materials


One of the simplest ways to make gold is by farming materials and selling them(Stygian Stones, Duriel Materials). Here are some materials that sell for significant amounts of gold:


1. Uber Stones:


    • Stinging stones and other boss materials can be sold for millions of gold.

    • Uber boss materials, such as those used for summoning and enhancing bosses, are particularly valuable.


2. Hell Tides:


    • During Hell Tides, you can collect materials that sell for substantial amounts of gold.

    • At higher reputation levels, these materials can be obtained more frequently, leading to large sums of gold.


3. Daily Farming:


    • By consistently farming materials and selling them, you can make between 50 to 100 million gold per day.


Selling Services


Another lucrative way to make gold is by selling services in the game. Here are some services you can offer:


1. Capstone Runs:


    • Offer to run Capstone dungeons for players who need help. These runs can sell for 20 to 50 million gold.


2. Nightmare Dungeons:


    • Sell carries through high-tier Nightmare dungeons. Players are willing to pay for help clearing difficult content.


3. Uber Boss Carries:


    • Provide carries for Uber bosses. First clears and repeat clears are highly sought after and can fetch a good price.


4. Unlocking Pits:


    • Offer services to unlock high-level pits for other players. These services can sell for 10 to 100 million gold depending on the difficulty and level.


Mass Listing and Price Checking


Effective mass listing and price checking are essential for maximizing your gold earnings. Heres how you can do it:


1. Mass Listing:


    • Gather items with one or two great effects.

    • Use the screenshot tool to quickly list multiple items. The trading platforms AI will help fill in the details, allowing you to list 30 to 50 items within half an hour.

    • Mass listing allows you to sell items quickly and accumulate a significant amount of gold.


2. Price Checking:


    • Always check the market value of items before listing them.

    • Use filters to search for similar items and compare prices.

    • Contact sellers to confirm current offers and ensure youre setting competitive prices.


By mastering mass listing and price checking, you can avoid underselling valuable items and maximize your profits.


Target Farming Specific Items


Certain items are highly sought after and can sell for millions of gold. Here are some items to target:


1. Necromancer Chests with +Golem Rank:


    • These chests are extremely valuable and can sell for 300 to 800 million gold.


2. Barbarian Bash Pants:


    • Pants with +Bash rank are in high demand and can fetch a high price.


3. Rings and Weapons:


    • Rings with max roll attack speed and critical damage are highly desirable. Similarly, weapons with specific great effects are also valuable.


Target farming these items can lead to huge profits and significantly boost your gold reserves.


Using the Trading Platform Efficiently


To make the most of the trading platform, follow these steps:


1. Monitor Market Trends:


    • Keep an eye on the market to understand which items are in demand and adjust your farming and selling strategies accordingly.


2. Use Filters and Tabs:


    • Utilize filters to narrow down your searches and find the best deals.

    • Monitor multiple tabs and categories to stay updated on market prices and opportunities.


3. Flip Items:


    • Buy Diablo 4 items that are listed for lower prices and sell them at a higher price.

    • Understand the market and look for opportunities to flip items for profit.




Making gold in Diablo 4 Season 4 is all about mastering the trading platform, farming valuable materials, selling services, and effectively managing your listings. By following this guide, you can accumulate billions of gold and enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you're trading, farming, or offering services, there are numerous ways to amass wealth in Diablo 4. Take advantage of the tips and strategies shared here, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a gold tycoon in the game.


For detailed notes, additional tips, and a comprehensive list of items and methods, refer to the shared document and links provided. Happy gold making, and may your coffers overflow with riches in Diablo 4 Season 4!

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