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Blog > Diablo 4 Expansion Leak: New Class, Regions, and More

Diablo 4 Expansion Leak: New Class, Regions, and More

Jan 29, 2024, 09:08:50 PST | Categories : Diablo 4 |

Diablo 4 fans have been eagerly awaiting news and updates on the game's development, and recent leaks suggest that there is a lot to be excited about. From a new class to additional regions and potential game-changing features, the leaks have sparked speculation and anticipation among the Diablo community. In this article, we will delve into the details of the leaked information and explore what it could mean for the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion.


New Class: Spirit Born or Paladin?


One of the most significant revelations from the leaks is the introduction of a new class, tentatively named Spirit Born. The leak suggests that this class will have a nature-based focus, wielding a glaive and possessing a strong connection to both the physical and spiritual realms. The concept of Spirit Born has sparked discussions among fans, with some speculating that it could be a replacement for the Paladin.


The leaks also mention the possibility of the new class being a holy or religious-themed character, which has led some to question if it could indeed be a Paladin. The iconic Paladin class has been a staple in the Diablo franchise, known for its divine abilities, shields, and holy prowess. However, the leaked information emphasizes that this new class is not a Paladin, raising further intrigue about its nature and abilities.


The Lord of Hatred Expansion:


In addition to details about the new class, the leaks point towards an expansion titled "The Lord of Hatred." This expansion is said to focus on a region called Cursed, reminiscent of the environment seen in Diablo 2. The leaks suggest that the expansion will delve into the lore of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, providing players with new challenges and storylines.


The inclusion of a new region and expansion aligns with the expectations of Diablo 4 players, as expansions are a common way for developers to introduce fresh content and extend the longevity of the game.


Artwork Leak and the Sixth Class:


A fascinating discovery from the leaks is related to a piece of artwork that briefly appeared on the official Diablo display. The artwork depicted five known classes necromancer, druid, barbarian, rogue, and sorceress along with a mysterious sixth character. This enigmatic figure, with angelic wings, a shield, and a spear, has fueled speculation about the potential introduction of a new, undisclosed class.


The leak suggests that this sixth class might be related to the Amazon's Valkyrie or even an angelic character. The presence of a shield and a spear in the artwork has drawn comparisons to the Paladin archetype. However, the leaks highlight the peculiar aspect of this angelic figure having a visible face, unlike the traditional faceless depiction of angels in Diablo lore.


Game-Changing Features:


The leaks also touch upon potential game-changing features that could enhance the Diablo 4 experience. A notable mention is the increase in stash size to 500, a much-needed improvement for players struggling with limited storage space. Additionally, the leaks hint at the introduction of mercenaries or followers, including classes like berserker, bounty hunter, cursed child, maiden, mongrel, and shield bearer. These followers could provide support and variety in gameplay, especially in solo adventures.




While the leaked information should be taken with a grain of caution, as it remains speculative until officially confirmed, it has undoubtedly ignited excitement within the Diablo community. The potential introduction of a new class, expansion, and game-changing features promises a fresh and immersive experience for Diablo 4 players. As fans eagerly await official announcements, these leaks have set the stage for what could be a significant and highly anticipated update to the beloved Diablo series.

For more of the latest Diablo 4 content, be sure to keep up to date with P2Pah. And also can buy Diablo IV gold here!

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