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Blog > Diablo 2 Resurrected: Trapson Build Guide for Maximum Efficiency

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Trapson Build Guide for Maximum Efficiency

Aug 26, 2024, 08:50:41 PST | Categories : Diablo 2 Resurrected |

Yo, welcome in! Playing the Trapson build, and let me tell you, it's been a blast. But this isn't the same old Trapson you might remember from back in the Lord of Destruction days. Recent patches have introduced changes that make this build more powerful than ever, with even more damage output than before. In this guide, I'm going to walk you through everything you need to know to get the most out of this build, from stats to skills to D2R Items options. Plus, I'll share some tips on how to optimize your gameplay with this electrifying build.

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Trapson Build Guide.jpg


Stats Allocation


Let's kick things off with the stats, which are pretty straightforward for this build. Just like many other characters in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you want to aim for just enough Strength to equip your gear. Often, the gear you use will bump up your Strength higher than the minimum required, so you might even be able to respec later to save a few points here and there. This will allow you to allocate more points to Vitality, which is crucial for survivability. Dexterity should only get points if you need it to wear specific gear pieces, and as for Energy, you don't need to put any points therelet your gear and Battle Orders handle your mana needs.


So, the priority is:


    • Strength: Just enough to wear your gear.

    • Dexterity: Only if required for gear.

    • Vitality: Dump everything else here.

    • Energy: No points.


This max Vitality build gives you the durability needed to withstand the challenges of Diablo 2 Resurrected, especially when farming areas like the Pits.


Skills Allocation


Next up, let's talk skills. This is where the magic happensliterally.


Traps Tree


This is your bread and butter as a Trapson, and here's how to allocate your points:


    • Fire Blast: Max this out. It's your backup skill when dealing with Lightning Immunes and works well with the other skills.

    • Shock Web: Max this out as it synergizes with your Lightning Sentry, boosting your damage.

    • Charged Bolt Sentry: Max this out for the same reason as Shock Web.

    • Lightning Sentry: This is your primary damage dealer, so max it out. It's where most of your damage will come from.

    • Death Sentry: Max this as well. The corpse explosion effect is devastating and helps clear out packs quickly.


Shadow Disciplines Tree


There's some flexibility here based on personal preference:


    • Claw Mastery: Skip ityou're not using claws for damage.

    • Burst of Speed: Put 1-2 points here. This increases your trap-laying speed and overall movement, making it crucial for fast-paced farming. I like to pump a few more points here as I get them because I value speed.

    • Fade: Put 1 point here. Use it situationally if you need to boost your resistance. Keep in mind that using Fade will slow down your trap-laying speed, so it's not something you want to rely on all the time.

    • Mind Blast: Optional, but useful for crowd control. It stuns enemies and can make them fight each other, giving you a bit of breathing room if things get dicey.

    • Weapon Block: Only if you're running a dual-claw setup, which is less common but still viable.


Gear Selection


Now, let's get into the gear. This section is crucial because the right gear can make or break your build. I'm going to start with the general gear pieces and save the weapon discussion for last, as there are a few interesting options there.




    • Griffin's Eye: This is a top-tier option. It's important to note that in recent patches, the minus enemy lightning resistance on this helmet now correctly applies to your traps, boosting your damage significantly. Before, this didn't work, but now it's a game-changer.




    • Enigma: No surprises hereEnigma is the go-to armor. The teleport ability is essential for quick farming, and the other stats like faster run/walk, strength, and all skills are just icing on the cake.




    • Rare Amulet: Look for one with +2 to Assassin skills, strength, dexterity, and resistance. If you can find one with magic find as well, even better.

    • Mara's Kaleidoscope: Another solid choice, offering +2 to all skills and resistances.

    • Highlord's Wrath: If you need more increased attack speed, this amulet is a great option. It also adds lightning resistance and +1 to skills.




    • Rare Gloves with Increased Attack Speed: Ideal for laying traps faster. You can also consider:

           • Laying of Hands: Provides attack speed and fire resistance.

           • Magefist: Adds faster cast rate if you want to hit a higher breakpoint for teleporting.




    • Raven Frost: This is a must-have to avoid being frozen. The other stats like dexterity and cold absorption are also handy.

    • Stone of Jordan: Boosts your mana pool and adds +1 to all skills, making it a great choice for your other ring slot.




    • Arachnid Mesh: This belt is almost mandatory for its +1 to all skills and faster cast rate. It helps you reach those crucial breakpoints.




    • Dual Res Boots with Magic Find: These are solid all-around boots. Alternatively, you could go with:

           • War Traveler: Adds magic find and other useful stats.

           • Shadow Dancer: These are more niche but add to your shadow discipline skills.


Weapon Selection


Now, let's talk weapons, which is where you have a few interesting choices:


    • Crescent Moon (Runeword): This is a budget-friendly option that gives you -35% to enemy lightning resistance, significantly boosting your trap damage.

    • Infinity (Runeword) Self-Wielded: This is the ultimate choice if you can afford it. It provides a massive -50% to enemy lightning resistance and the Conviction aura, which debuffs enemy resistance even further. This allows your traps to melt through enemies like butter. However, it requires a high investment of Ber runes, so it's not for everyone.


Another consideration is what you run on your off-hand. I like to have:


    • Call to Arms (Runeword) with a Phoenix Shield on Swap: This combination lets you use Battle Orders and Battle Command to boost your life and mana. The Phoenix shield's Redemption aura is handy for quickly regenerating mana after a fight, especially when using traps that deplete your mana fast.


Gameplay Tips and Techniques


Finally, let's talk about gameplay. The Trapson build excels at both speed and versatility. Here's how to make the most out of it:


    • Farm Efficiently: The Pit is an excellent farming spot, especially with your resistances not being much of a concern here. The layout is easy to navigate, and the monster density is high, making it perfect for running with a high magic find setup.

    • Trap Placement: Position your traps strategically to maximize their effectiveness. You want to lay them out in a way that they cover the most ground, ensuring they hit as many enemies as possible.

    • Use Burst of Speed: This skill is crucial for farming efficiency. The faster you can lay traps and move between packs, the faster you can farm, leading to more loot and experience.

    • Switch to Fade When Needed: If you're going into areas with high elemental damage, consider switching to Fade to increase your resistance. But remember, it will slow down your trap-laying speed, so use it wisely.




The Trapson build in Diablo 2 Resurrected is a powerhouse, especially with the recent patches that have made it even stronger. By following the stat and skill recommendations outlined here, and carefully selecting your gear, you can turn this build into a lightning-fueled monster capable of tearing through Hell difficulty with ease. Whether you're farming the Pit, running Baal, or taking on Uber bosses, this build has the tools you need to succeed. Remember to experiment with different gear combinations and skill setups to find what works best for your playstyle. Happy hunting, and may your loot be ever plentiful!

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