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Blog > Getting Started in Dark and Darker: A Beginner's Guide

Getting Started in Dark and Darker: A Beginner's Guide

Sep 10, 2024, 09:40:42 PST | Categories : Dark And Darker |

Welcome to Dark and Darker, a game that mixes dungeon crawling with intense PvP (Player vs. Player) action. Whether you've just picked up the free-to-play version or bought the full game, getting started can feel overwhelming. This guide is designed to walk you through the basics, from creating your first character to surviving your initial raids. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to navigate the game's dungeons, handle enemies, and potentially come out on top in PvP encounters.

Dark and Darker: A Beginner's Guide.jpg

Choosing Your First Character

If you're new to Dark and Darker, it's important to start with a character class that is easy to learn and effective in combat. The Fighter and Ranger classes are your best bets for beginners. These classes offer a good balance of offensive and defensive capabilities, making them ideal for learning the ropes.

· Fighter: A versatile class that excels in both melee combat and defense. Fighters can use a variety of weapons and shields, making them adaptable to different situations.

· Ranger: If you prefer to attack from a distance, the Ranger is a solid choice. They can use bows and traps to control the battlefield and keep enemies at bay.

There's also an argument for trying out the Barbarian class if you're into raw power and smashing through enemies, but for the sake of getting started, we'll focus on Fighter and Ranger.

Creating Your Character

Once you've chosen your class, it's time to name your character and enter the world of Dark and Darker. Let's say you've chosen a Fighter. Enter a name, and you'll start with a level one character.

Setting Up Your Skills and Perks

Before you jump into the action, it's important to set up your character's skills and perks. For Fighters, there are two default skills you should start with:

1. Sprint: This skill lets you run really fast, which is essential for either escaping from danger or closing the gap between you and your enemies during PvP combat.

2. Second Wind: A powerful healing skill that can restore a significant portion of your health. You can only use it once per match, but you can recharge it using a campfire.

As for perks, these are small bonuses that can give you an edge in combat. For beginners, Slayer is a popular choice, especially if you plan to dual-wield weapons. This perk increases your damage when using two weapons, such as a sword and a dagger.

Preparing for Your First Raid

With your character set up, the next step is to gear up for your first raid. Head over to the Squire in the Merchants tab to access your base gear. As a beginner, you'll start with basic equipment: a sword, shield, some armor, and one bandage.

Here are a few additional items you should equip:

· Healing Potion: Restores your health over time.

· Potion of Protection: Provides a temporary shield that absorbs damage.

· Boots: They increase your movement speed and provide additional stats like strength or dexterity.

· Throwing Axe: A handy ranged weapon that can be used to deal damage from a distance.

If you're using the Slayer perk, equip a dagger along with your sword to maximize your damage output.

Once you've equipped your gear, make sure to set it as your Base Gear. This way, you'll automatically have this loadout ready whenever you enter a new raid.

Entering Your First Dungeon

Now that you're geared up, it's time to enter the dungeon. Select the appropriate server for your region, and choose a map. For solo players, it's usually best to start with the Goblin Cave map. If you're playing in a group, the Castle map is a good option, but be aware that this is typically for duos or trios.

The Pre-Lobby

Before the match begins, you'll find yourself in the pre-lobby. Here, you can test your damage output on a practice dummy. Keep in mind that the numbers shown on the dummy won't match the damage you'll deal to actual players due to different armor and resistances.

Surviving Your First Raid

Once the match starts, your goal is to survive, loot valuable items, and eventually escape the dungeon. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

Adjusting Your Screen Brightness

One of the first things you should do is adjust your screen brightness. Dark and Darker is, as the name suggests, a dark game. Cranking up the brightness will make it easier to spot enemies hiding in the shadows, giving you a significant advantage.

Looting and Inventory Management

As you explore the dungeon, you'll come across various containers and chests. Open everything you find, as even the smallest items can be sold for gold. Prioritize picking up trinkets, colored items, and anything that seems valuable. In the early game, loot everything you can to maximize your earnings.

Combat Basics

Enemies in Dark and Darker can be tricky if you're not careful. Here are some basic combat tips:

· Normal Enemies: These enemies are generally slow and can be kited (lured) around while you attack them. Use your shield to block attacks and strike back when there's an opening.

· Skeletons and Goblins: These are the most common enemies in the Goblin Cave. Skeletons are slow but hit hard, while Goblins can shoot orbs that deal significant damage and slow you down. Use strafing and positioning to avoid their attacks.

Handling Mimics and Traps

As you loot chests, be aware that some might be mimics—monsters disguised as treasure chests. If a chest suddenly starts attacking you, don't panic. Block their attacks and retaliate swiftly.

You'll also encounter traps, such as pressure plates on the floor. Stepping on one can deal significant damage or even kill you, so be cautious when moving through unfamiliar areas.

Using Campfires and Healing

If you take damage during a fight, you'll need to heal up before continuing. Campfires are your best friend in this situation. They not only restore health but also recharge your Second Wind skill. Place a campfire in a safe location, sit down, and watch your health and skills regenerate.

Navigating the Map and Escaping

As you explore the dungeon, keep an eye out for blue icons on your map. These icons indicate the location of an exit rope, which you'll need to escape the dungeon. However, don't rush to the exit too early. Use the time to gather as much loot as possible, but be mindful of the game's timer. As the match progresses, the dungeon becomes more unstable, and staying too long can be fatal.

When you're ready to leave, head to the exit, press F to interact with the rope, and climb out. Be aware that you can still be attacked while escaping, so stay alert.

Post-Raid Housekeeping

After successfully escaping the dungeon, you'll return to the lobby. Your first priority should be to sell any loot you've collected. Visit The Collector to sell trinkets and other valuable items. Early on, it's best to sell everything you don't need to build up your gold reserves.

Next, buy Dark and Darker Gold Coins Purses from us to store your earnings. This will keep your gold safe and organized for future raids.

If you picked up any items you want to keep, such as upgraded armor or weapons, make sure to equip them for your next match. You can also store quest items like Mimic Teeth for later use.

Final Tips for New Players

· Leveling Up: Focus on killing AI enemies to level up quickly. Each level unlocks new perks and skills that will make your character stronger.

· Sell Unused Gear: If you're not planning to use certain items, sell them for gold. Early on, it's more important to build up your resources than to hoard items.

· Experiment with Classes: While Fighter and Ranger are great starting classes, don't be afraid to try out other classes once you get the hang of the game. Each class offers a unique playstyle and abilities that can be fun to explore.

By following this guide, you'll be well on your way to mastering Dark and Darker. Remember, the key to success is patience, practice, and learning from your mistakes. Good luck, and may your raids be profitable!

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