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Blog > Dominate Dark and Darker with the Demon Armor Build

Dominate Dark and Darker with the Demon Armor Build

Jul 23, 2024, 09:43:39 PST | Categories : Dark And Darker |

Hey everyone! Are you ready to unleash havoc in Dark and Darker? This build is absolutely disgusting, and I mean that in the best way possible. We're talking about a Demon Armor build that collapses enemies left and right. Let's dive into it!


The Core of the Build: Demon Armor and Blood Pact


The foundation of this build revolves around the Demon Armor perk, which allows you to use plate armor as a warlock. This is huge because plate armor provides significant defensive benefits. To complement this, we're using Blood Pact, also known as demon form. When activated, Blood Pact gives you extra HP, armor, and magic resistance, making you even tankier. It also boosts all your attributes at the cost of gradually burning your health, but don't worry, because we're also really fast.


When you turn into a demon, most players will immediately start running away from you, so having good movement speed is crucial for catching them.

Dominate Dark and Darker with the Demon Armor Build.jpg


Perks and Spells


For the perks, we're taking:


    • Demon Armor: Allows the use of plate armor.

    • Soul Collector: Provides one attribute point per shard when you transform, synergizing well with Blood Pact.

    • Shadow Touch: Adds extra melee damage and heals you on hits, offsetting the health cost of demon form.

    • Anti-Magic: Enhances your defenses against magical attacks.


In terms of spells, we're going with a standard caster setup:


    • Curse of Pain: Deals damage over time.

    • Life Drain: Provides sustain.

    • Hydra: Deals mid-range damage until you're ready to turn into a demon.

    • Blood Stained Blade: Increases your damage output, particularly with your Kris dagger.

    • Flame Walker: Boosts your mobility.


Gear Setup


Our gear setup is built around the Kris dagger and crystal ball. Here's a breakdown of the essential pieces:


    • Weapon: Kris Dagger and Cyclops Vision Crystal. The Kris dagger synergizes well with demon form and the Shadow Touch perk, while the Cyclops Vision Crystal is one of the best crafted items in the game, offering nine usable stats.

    • Chest: Warden Outfit. This piece offers the highest armor to movement speed ratio for warlocks. Try to get additional knowledge on it.

    • Plate Pieces: Chappelle Defer and Light Gauntlets. These provide a good balance of movement speed and armor. Look for stats like additional magic damage, tank stats, and physical damage stats.

    • Boots: Lace Turn Shoes or Light Foot Boots. Lace Turn Shoes offer more armor, while Light Foot Boots are faster. Choose based on your preference.

    • Pants: Loose Trousers for movement speed or Brave Hunter Pants for higher dexterity. Again, choose based on your build focus.

    • Cloak: Radiant Cloak for its good armor. You can opt for physical damage instead of magical damage if you prefer.

    • Jewelry: Rings and pendants should fill out the rest of your stats. Look for additional physical or magical damage, speed, and HP.


Playstyle and Strategy


The magic of this build lies in its versatility. You can engage enemies from a distance with spells, and when they start running, you can transform into a demon and chase them down. Here are some tips:


    • Engage from Range: Use Curse of Pain and Hydra to whittle down enemies from a distance.

    • Transform at the Right Moment: When enemies start to flee or when you're ready for a burst of power, activate Blood Pact.

    • Utilize Your Mobility: With high movement speed, you can catch fleeing enemies and avoid getting cornered.

    • Pre-Buff and Plan: Always pre-buff and think like your opponent. Anticipate where they might ambush you and be ready to counter.


Minimum Stats


For the build to be effective, aim for the following minimum stats:


    • Move Speed: At least 105.

    • HP: Around 130 or more.

    • Knowledge: Ensure you can cast all your spells comfortably. Demon armor reduces spell casting speed, so a bit of extra knowledge helps.


Example Encounter


Imagine a scenario where you're facing a heavily kitted barbarian. You engage from a distance with Curse of Pain and Hydra. As the barbarian starts to close the distance, you transform into a demon and use your increased speed to dodge his attacks and retaliate with powerful melee hits. Even if he tries to run, your enhanced mobility allows you to chase him down and finish the job.




This Demon Armor build is a powerhouse in Dark and Darker. It combines the defensive capabilities of plate armor with the offensive and sustain potential of a warlock. Whether you're engaging in mid-range spellcasting or transforming into a demon to crush your enemies in melee, this build has got you covered.


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