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Blog > PvP Basics Guide: Skill Diff vs Gear Diff in Dark and Darker

PvP Basics Guide: Skill Diff vs Gear Diff in Dark and Darker

Jul 13, 2024, 10:33:45 PST | Categories : Dark And Darker |

This guide will improve your micro and macro skills and give you a process for buying and selling gear at good prices. While it's impossible to cover every topic on PvP, this guide should be helpful. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.


In Dark and Darker, there are two main reasons you might die in PvP: you got skill diffed, or you got gear diffed. Sometimes, it's a combination of both.


Skill Diff vs Gear Diff:


    • Skill Diff: This occurs when there is a difference in skill between you and your opponent. They outplayed you with better micro skills (like movement quality or spacing) or macro skills (like positioning, map knowledge, and game knowledge).

    • Gear Diff: This happens when your opponent has better gear with superior stat rolls, making them stronger in terms of HP, movement speed, damage, spell access, and consumables.


Fortunately, you can improve in both categories, and I'll teach you how in this guide. If you still struggle with PvE, check out my three-part guide series that covers dodging every mob in Dark and Darker and basic game skills that are helpful in PvP.

PvP Basics Guide: Skill Diff vs Gear Diff in Dark and Darker.jpg


Improving Skill Diff


Let's start with improving your skills, my favorite category.


Damage Calculation Basics


Understanding damage calculation is crucial. While new players don't need to know the entire formula, you should grasp these basics:


1. Limb Modifiers: The location where you hit an enemy or mob modifies the damage:


          • Head: 150%

          • Body: 100%

          • Arms: 80%

          • Legs: 60%

          • Hands/Feet: 50%


    • Avoid wild swings in fights; aim carefully to avoid hitting hands or feet for minimal damage.


2. Impact Zones: Weapons have impact zones with sweet spots and sour spots.


          • Sword: Blade does 100% damage; handle does 80-90%.

          • Morning Star: Spike does 100% damage; shaft does 80%.


    • Aim to hit with the sweet spot of your weapon while forcing your opponent to hit with a sour spot.




Spacing, or controlling the distance between you and your opponent, is crucial. Better movement speed gives you better control of the fight.




    • Fast Rogue vs. Slow Barbarian: As a fast Rogue, you control the fight. You can catch the Barbarian if they retreat, interrupt their healing, and avoid melee attacks by maintaining distance.


Good Spacing Examples


    • Clip Analysis: As a budget stiletto Rogue against a longsword fighter, maintain point-blank range for damage but be wary of the fighter's range. Use skills to strengthen yourself and debuff your opponent. Avoid getting hit by Achilles strike by dodging and maintaining space, then close in for the kill when the fighter is off balance.

    • Ranged Classes: For Rangers, Warlocks, or Wizards, keep enemies at medium to long range. Shoot, turn around, back up, repeat. Use the terrain to your advantage and force melee classes to chase you.


Closing Doors Optimally


Closing doors can be a strategic advantage in both PvP and PvE.


    • Optimal Door Closing: Stand slightly away from the door to body-block enemies as you close it. This prevents them from following you into the room.


Improving Gear Diff


Now, let's discuss improving your chances of not getting gear differ.


Selling Gear


Here's a basic process for selling gear:


1. Identify Good Rolls: For example, an epic Fox pendant with good rolls (e.g., additional physical damage) and one weak roll.

2. Check Prices: Search for similar items with good rolls. Identify the floor price.

3. Adjust for Rarity: Check if rarer Dark And Darker items with similar rolls are priced differently.

4. Set Price: Based on your findings, set a price that balances quick selling and profit.


Buying Gear


Buying gear requires a strategic approach:


1. Set Attribute: For example, if you want to buy a falchion for a fighter, set the static attribute to weapon damage.

2. Check Prices Across Rarities: Compare prices for different rarities (uncommon, rare, epic).

3. Consider Additional Rolls: Look for additional weapon damage or other beneficial stats.

4. Make an Informed Decision: Choose a weapon based on your Dark And Darker Gold budget and the value per damage point.


Example of Gear Buying Process


    • Falchion Purchase: Start with uncommon grade and note prices and damage ranges. Move up to rare and epic grades, comparing prices and damage values. Check for good deals with additional damage rolls.


Tips for Surviving as an Ungeared Solo Player


    • Map Pathing: Stay on the outer modules of the map to avoid busy areas. Clear rooms and remember extract locations. Open doors behind you for retreat options.


By following these tips and improving your skills and gear management, you'll enhance your PvP performance in Dark and Darker. If you found this content useful, please consider liking and bookmarking P2Pah. Good luck in your dungeons, and stay tuned for more guides and gameplay.

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